Wednesday, September 27, 2017
I raise my glass and a rubber chicken to my good friend and mentor that passed away this morning. She will live long in my life and 1000s others. This star, brought me into the world of outdoor adventure and working with persons with special needs 40 years ago! It's not like me to post something like this on facebook but she deserves to be remembered, and I could use some help getting the word out. At Camp Woodeden in the London area, and Camp Horizon in AB, she single-handly inspired summer camp cultures that were compassionate, zany, empowering and safe. She has climbed more summits than Sir Edmond, inspired more children and youth in ON and AB to believe in themselves then we could ever hope to, laughed with loud and arm swinging gusto, swam for medals, commanded dog sleds, invented the first of it's kind accessible high ropes course, and volunteered with her dogs to have rich conversations with the elderly and disabled -- until she became one of them.
Ann VanSickle, thanks for the fun, friendship, and professional and life lessons. Anyone that knows any past campers from Camp Woodeden 1975 - 77, or Camp Horizon, 80 - 83 - send this around so the one that called herself “Super Crip" can be remembered in style.